
The journey of the Holy Family in the cultures of nations and peoples

The journey of the Holy Family in the land of Egypt is considered one of the unique features and great blessings that are unique to Egypt .. It is a biblical, historical and archaeological fact that has civilizational influences and transmits human values .. The biblical truth is contained in the Bible in its old and new Testaments and it was translated into 3312 languages, meaning that it reached Most of the world’s cultures.
In terms of historical truth, it came with ancient historical sources, including the Synaxar, the defnar , the Coptic manuscripts and passages, such as the Pope Thiophilus, the Pope Timothy , the Pope Zacharias and the Passage of Anba Kriakos, and mentioned in the history of the church, the history of patriarchs, the history of churches and monasteries, as well as in the manuscripts of Europe from the Middle Ages, and the sources of Arab heritage and the Islamic culture like the talents of Ibn Mansour from the eleventh century who wrote about the locations of the path, as well as Abu Makarim who wrote in 1209 AD and the early and late writings of Abu Kreifa.
The track was also mentioned in international encyclopedias and scientific messages in different countries, and the writings of foreign travelers from East and West throughout the ages and centuries, They left us writings, notes and literature on their travels and their tours on the sites of the Holy Family’s journey path in the land of Egypt .. Many historical sources spoke about the path from the first century to the twentieth century.
As for the archaeological truth, it is also witnessed by many fixed and movable Coptic monuments, including churches, monasteries, caves, wells, stones, icons, trees, and many other antiquities.
It also has civilizational effects such as the destruction of idols when the Holy Family entered the land of Egypt. This event was the beginning of an intellectual change in Egypt. Likewise, there are many Egyptian city names associated with the Holy Family and urban gatherings that appeared around the points of this path. Special arts and literature also appeared, including Coptic rites and local traditions. Oral and fictional heritage and folk celebrations.
On the other hand, the journey of the Holy Family provides us with pictures of human values rooted in the Egyptian nature, and they support the suffering, the tired, the displaced, and the strangers, and these human values have been inherited in the Egyptians until now. “
And that this blessed trip was and still has spiritual, civilizational and human influences with the accumulation of historical, cultural and artistic heritage abounding in diversity and reach not only among the Copts or the Egyptians, but also many peoples of the world and between the multiple cultures in the countries of the East and West, in many ancient and modern languages … and so on Throughout the ages and centuries this unique event had its echoes and effects on the world human heritage, and Egypt is still the gateway to the East, the guardian and guardian of the principles of peaceful coexistence and the values of tolerance and tolerance and acceptance of the other and hosting strangers, and on its soil cultures and civilizations coexisted together despite their multiplicity and diversity, and Egypt combined spiritual richness and intellectual momentum And the accumulation of civilization, artistic creativity and scientific innovation in one crucible.

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